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  • pit 3:02 pm on May 5, 2008 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: darts, , ,   

    J2ME game code: let’s play Darts! 

    Darts is an ideal game for mobile users, since it does only require few seconds for a match, and could be really helpful while waiting for a bus.. (If you must wait a bus in Rome, it’s easy you’ll become a Darts champion within a day :))

    J2ME game darts screenshot

    This simple game was originally included, as easter egg, in the midlet built for 2007 Edition of Rome JavaDay, to help folks being awake during long talks :) For a live test you can go directly to the emulator page.

    2007 Rome JavaDay Midlet screenshot

    Now, It’s source code is fully available to everyone to (ab)use, and please be kind with me for the total lack of comments…

    Here is the source code, and the full sample midlet if you want to try it out on your phone.

    • sejal 3:55 pm on April 5, 2011 Permalink

      hey…when i execute this code on wtk..its showing me errors saying dat

      package com.jappit.japdarts.app does not exist
      import com.jappit.japdarts.app.JapDarts;
      package com.jappit.japdarts.utils does not exist
      import com.jappit.japdarts.utils.ScoreManager;
      can u plz help me with this..where do i get the functions and variables in the package package com.jappit.japdarts.display; from ?…pls reply asap !!

    • Renniel 4:09 pm on October 8, 2011 Permalink

      where is the code sir?? thnaks

  • pit 4:11 pm on April 16, 2008 Permalink | Reply
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    AnimaLogic: S60 Web Runtime game 

    I’ve got some fun with my friend Fabio in creating a first game for Nokia Web Runtime.

    Since Web Runtime allows building mobile applications with classic web technologies, we’ve used nothing more that html, css and plain-old-good javascript… isn’t it great? :D

    Animalogic Web Runtime game

    It’s a very first alpha release with not too much functionalities (local hi-scores and a single game mode), but feel free to take a try :)

    The main interface was done using classical <a> elements to represent the menu options, but this has 2 important drawbacks, as you can see:

    • links (like also input fields and other focusable elements) when focused are surrounded by a thick border: not really beautiful..
    • managing of focus itself, between different screens, is not easy, so it happens that focus sometimes disappears, or starts from the last menu options, or other odd things.

    Next release will try to solve those and other issues… meanwhile, we’ll be happy of any kind of feedback about it :)

    Download Web Runtime AnimaLogic

    • Java Mobile Gaming 9:38 am on April 24, 2008 Permalink

      I found your site on faves.com bookmarking site.. I like it ..gave it a fave for you..ill be checking back later

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