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  • pit 10:57 am on December 4, 2008 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: animated gif encoder, gif encoder, Image, ,   

    J2ME Animated GIF encoder 

    Here’s a free implementation of an animated GIF encoder for Java ME. This class is actually a porting of the original Java version, available here.

    Download J2ME AnimatedGifEncoder here.

    Usage is quite straightforward, and it requires these steps:

    1. Instantiate your AnimatedGifEncoder object
    2. Start it, by passing an OutputStream as argument (e.g.: a ByteArrayOutputStream)
    3. Add your Image objects by using addFrame() method
    4. Finalize it by calling finish()
    ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    AnimatedGifEncoder encoder = new AnimatedGifEncoder();
    return bos.toByteArray();

    As for the original version, code is free for any kind of usages, but you must refer to the Unisys LZW patent for restrictions on use of the associated LZWEncoder class.

    • ds 7:55 am on December 11, 2008 Permalink

      Thanks! Very useful!

      Have just given it a go and it works like a charm.
      The only thing is I seem to be able to get much smaller images when I save from photoshop.

      Have you any idea if the LZW compression is working properly? The file size I am getting now is just a tad bit smaller in bytes than I have total pixels. On the other hand photoshop, or php for that matter reduces this to 1/5.

      Thanks again!

    • Sajid 10:44 am on August 12, 2011 Permalink

      Hey hi, How to use this J2ME Animated GIF encoder in J2ME Application, please tel me.

  • pit 10:26 am on May 20, 2008 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: effect, explode, , Image, , ,   

    Let your images explode in J2ME! 

    After a MIDP 1.0 utility to rotate images now time has come for some image fun :)

    J2ME Image explode effect screenshot
    When writing mobile applications, it’s always cool to add some effects or transitions. But, while for example FlashLite has a nice builtin support for them, with J2ME you have to hand-code even the simplest movement (and this is the main reason why most J2ME apps are all but attractive).

    So, here’s a first class that you can use to add an “explode” effect to images in a straightforward way. How to do it? Here we come:

    1. Download the ExplodingImage.java source code and put it straight in your project
    2. Instantiate an ExplodingImage this way:
      //get your Image
      Image sourceImage = Image.createImage("/image.png");
      //and then use it in ExplodingImage constructor
      ExplodingImage image = new ExplodingImage(sourceImage , 5, 8, 8);

      The ExplodingImage constructor accepts the following arguments:

      • An Image instance
      • An int representing the “level” for the exploding effect, that is the strength of the effect itself (higher the level, stronger the effect).
      • The last 2 int arguments represent the horizontal and vertical pieces of the exploded image.
    3. Start the explode effect with the explode() method, that will accept the effect duration as argument:
    4. To paint it, simply use its paint() method, very similary to the Graphics drawImage() one. For example, in a Canvas paint() method, you can do something like this:
      protected void paint(Graphics g)
      	g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
      	image.paint(g, getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2, Graphics.HCENTER | Graphics.VCENTER);

      To give the effect a “smooth” animation, you should paint it quite frequently (let’s say, not once per second :)). So, always using Canvas, a sample code could be like this:

      public void run()
      		catch(Exception e)
    5. To test if the effect has ended, you can simply access your ExplodingImage ended instance variable:
      	//effect-end related code
    6. And you’re done! See it in action here: J2ME image explode effect in action

    Sample source code is available here:

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