Uses of Class

Packages that use ImageFx

Uses of ImageFx in com.jappit.imagefx

Methods in com.jappit.imagefx with parameters of type ImageFx
 void AnimatedImage.setFx(ImageFx fx)
          Sets the FX

Constructors in com.jappit.imagefx with parameters of type ImageFx
AnimatedImage(javax.microedition.lcdui.Image image, ImageFx fx)
          Creates an animated Image with the specified FX

Uses of ImageFx in com.jappit.imagefx.fxs

Subclasses of ImageFx in com.jappit.imagefx.fxs
 class BlindsFx
 class ExplodeFx
 class PuzzleFx
 class ShakeFx
 class SlideFx
 class SpiralFx
 class WaveFx
 class WipeFx