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  • pit 6:26 pm on March 23, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: admob, advertising, ,   

    AdMob launches Flash Lite SDK! 

    Good news for all Flash Lite developers: AdMob officially launched its Flash Lite SDK!

    The funny thing is that Flash Lite is mentioned as an “emerging” platform, even if it’s not that young :)

    From the official announcement:

    In 2009, we reported an installed base of 80+ million devices with Flash Lite support in Japan. To download the Flash Lite SDK, log into your account, select the “Sites & Apps” tab, and click on the “Add Site/App” link. On this page, you can register your Flash Lite app and then download the SDK.

    This will finally allow all Flash Lite developers to easily integrate AdMob advertising into their applications and games, without the need to implement this functionality from scratch.

    After the announcement of in app purchasing for Flash Lite from Kuneri, this is a big step towards the monetization of Flash Lite content, and will hopefully help the Flash Lite developers’ community to grow further.

    Maybe we won’t become all billionaires, but who knows? :)

  • pit 10:10 pm on May 19, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: advertising, , postcards   

    An evening curiosity about Nokia postcards 

    I’m just back from a nice dinner at an Italian restaurant, L’Instalata Ricca (tipical for its big and creative salads), where I found these nice Nokia postcards:

    Their positioning was not the best possible (they were just in front of the toilet :| ), but what I’m curious about is: are Nokia postcards equal in all countries?

    My guess is yes, being Nokia brand well estabilished and known all around the globe, but if you have some pictures, please post their links.. my evening curiosity will be grateful you :)

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