Parsing RSS feeds with J2ME and KXML

Some days have passed since last J2ME tutorial, so here is a fresh new one!

Today we’ll see how parsing a RSS feed with J2me is easy using KXML library, a fast and small XML pull parser, expecially suited for constrained environments like mobile devices. A live sample, parsing the RSS feed of this blog, is available here.

J2ME Kxml rss parser screenshot

The detailed explanation of source code is available on my Forum Nokia Wiki article: J2ME RSS Parser with KXml. If you’re interested only in plain source code, you can pick it up here (it includes also the sample midlet you find on the emulator page). To use KXmlRssParser class, you must simply do:

KXmlRssParser parser = new KXmlRssParser();
Vector rssItems = parser.parse(yourFeedURL);

and the parse() method will return the complete list of parsed Items, as instances of RssItem class. Source code is of course simplified, for the purpose of this tutorial, as it only considers title, link and description tags of each <item>, but once you understand KXml logic you can extend it, without much effort, to include other infos from RSS feed.

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